
Sadaqa Kassar Al Alb Ibn Sarif
painted by his owner Sirkku Moilanen, "Solo" relaxing in his beloved sofa after a walk in the forest

October 27th

We had a great weekend in Norway, Tromsö, on Sunday Fasqiya won CACIB, Best bitch and BOS and her daugther
Kifaya was placed second with ReservCACIB and CC.
Khalils Liba Fu Lobie "Malaki" was Best male-2 with ReservCACIB.
Judge Björg Foss from Norway.

BOB both Saturday and Sunday was Malakis son the beautiful red Al Wathba Bahram Al Nadir.  
BOB Bahram and BOS Fasqiya Photo Britt Mikkelsen

"Solo", Sadaqa Kassar Al Alb Ibn Sarif, did a good run in the Lure coursing Derby in Hailouto 17th of October 
with 471 points he was placed 6. Photos of "Solo" flying in the sand!

In Horn international
Lurecoursing September 20th Kharif did a really good run placed 14 of 47 (he was 6th best male) with 78,75 points.

In Vitå  12th of September Fasqiyas run her last lure coursingtrial due to her age 8 years. She did a good run placed 5th of 15 with 78,5 points. Malaki was placed 11 with 72,5 points and Kifaya inspite of a lot of mess with the lure was placed 12 with 71 points.

Photo of "Solo" at LC in Kuopio 12th of September. He was placed 4 out of 12 males with 432 poimts.

August 18th

Shownews Lövudden 25-26 July 2009
We can proudly announce that Malakis son Al Wathba Bahram Al Nadir had a great weekend winning Best Male-2 and Best In Show-Junior,
judge Michael Williams, England on Saturday. The next day he won the CC (his second) and was placed Best male-5 with BOS-Junior.
Judge Helen Williams, England. Congratulations Catrine!

Al Wathba Bahram Al Nadir to the left

Photo of Kharif winning BOS-working Dog SvSR Salukishow Bosjökloster 2009. Nicely shown by our friend Marie Palmqvist.

Kharif winning BOS-working Dog SvSR Salukishow Bosjökloster 2009

News from Finland and the Lure coursing scene. "Solo" Sadaqa Kassar was placed 4th of 9 at the International Lure coursing trial in Jyväskylä the 26th of July. The points were 402 and he got a CQ for a good run! Congratulations to the owner Sirkku!

June 9th 2009
We are so proud to annonunce that Sadaqa Kadimah Al Hassanat soon has achieved her lure coursinglicense in Denmark.
All four in my K-litter then will have their lc-license. Thank you all owners that put your time and effort in your beloved ones!  We send a "Good Luck!" to all of you to this year at trials in Sweden, Denmark and Finland! 
Photo of a proud Kadimah with the plastic hare below.

June 8th 2009

3rd of May - Kadimah was at the international show at Aalborg with excellent and third Best Bitch.  
16th of May - Kifaya was placed Best bitch-reserv in Piteå SKK national show for Hans Lehtinen and got excellent.
24th of May - Kharif was at the unofficial Salukishow at Bosjökloster he won the working class with prize of honour and was BOS Working dog.

Congratulations to all of you!



April 19th 2009

Sadaqa Kharif Al Umr run his first trial at lure coursing yesterday in Laholm and was placed 12 of 41 (entries) with 79,5 points. A BIG huge to Marlén Svensson having him in so good condition! Photo of Kharif resting after a good days work with his new friend "Kid".

The same day in Norway we send more gratulations to Al Wathba Bahram with his owner Catrine Fareth that had a great weekend in Harstad. Bahram, just 9 months old, won his first CC, BOB and Best In Group-3. Photos will come...
From Finland a photo come from Sirkku - Kassar shows his new and dear friend borzoi Aune. 

March 17th 2009

Bahram and Banou, littermates from Malakis litter at Al Wahtba, did so well when
winning this weekend at Boden SvVK Show. Judge Rudi Brandt from Denmark.
Bahram BIS-2 puppy and Sister Banou BOS-puppy. Congratulations to all of you! 

Bahram 8,5 months winning BIS-2 puppy at SvVK Boden

March 9th 2009

Sadaqa Kassar Al Alb "Solo" had a fantastic day at the field - 
winning his first CC and placed 2nd (239+238=477 points) at the winter lure coursing at Mustiala 7th of March.
Photo Sanja Kuusela

January 13th 2009

Greetings from Denmark and Wille.
Kadimah and her kennelmate Zhay are ready for a winter walk.

Greetings came to us from Holland and Ulla Bosman with a video of Malakis daugther Al-Shén Iswada "Isis",
enjoy this at this link at youtube: