Me and my familys first Saluki Aisha 1972,
to the right my first saluki 1981
INT NORDUCH Shamali Rayyan
My own salukihistory
started 1969 when my parents bought their first Saluki, Aisha, to our
family. So I can say that I have grown up with Salukis since I was a
little girl. Aisha was most cherished as a familymember and my
parents never shown her so I didnīt really learn about the breed until I
was able to buy my own Saluki. I did look back in pedigrees, at the age of
twelve I think, and then found out that Aishas grand grandmother was the
famous Ch Burydown Freyha.
Freyha looked so gorgeous to me and I always admired the Burydowns since
then.Since then I have been taking active part of the dog world, taking my
Salukis, and a period of my life; my Whippets to shows, training obedience
and 1998 I judged Salukis for the first time and so far, the only time, at
the Khalils Day. Which is a unofficial saluki show held at home at the
Khalils Saluki kennel for their breedings mostly. I had a entry of 52
Salukis and I really enjoyed it. I myself have been active member in The
Swedish Kennel Club, and board member in The Swedish Sighthound Club and
from 2002 in The Swedish Saluki Club. 2005 I also become one of the
editors for our club magazine Salukibladet. 2006/2007 I went through the
Swedish Kennelclubs breeder education and got diplomas for all six courses.
In the end of 2007 I also went to a course and got certified as
showorganizer by the Swedish Kennelclub. In October 2009 I judged Salukis for the second time. This was at the unofficial Salukishow at Lekåsa arranged by The Swedish Salukiclub. I enjoyed every minute of the day and had a entry of 51 Salukis.