
Me and my familys first Saluki Aisha 1972
, to the right my first saluki  1981 INT NORDUCH Shamali Rayyan Hilal 

My own salukihistory started 1969 when my parents bought their first Saluki, Aisha, to our family. So I can say that I have grown up with Salukis since I was a little girl.  Aisha was most cherished as a familymember and my parents never shown her so I didnīt really learn about the breed until I was able to buy my own Saluki. I did look back in pedigrees, at the age of twelve I think, and then found out that Aishas grand grandmother was the famous Ch Burydown Freyha.
Freyha looked so gorgeous to me and I always admired the Burydowns since then.Since then I have been taking active part of the dog world, taking my Salukis, and a period of my life; my Whippets to shows, training obedience and 1998 I judged Salukis for the first time and so far, the only time, at the Khalils Day. Which is a unofficial saluki show held at home at the Khalils Saluki kennel for their breedings mostly. I had a entry of 52 Salukis and I really enjoyed it. I myself have been active member in The Swedish Kennel Club, and board member in The Swedish Sighthound Club and from 2002 in The Swedish Saluki Club. 2005 I also become one of the editors for our club magazine Salukibladet. 2006/2007 I went through the Swedish Kennelclubs breeder education and got diplomas for all six courses. In the end of 2007 I also went to a course and got certified as showorganizer by the Swedish Kennelclub. In October 2009 I judged Salukis for the second time. This was at the unofficial Salukishow at Lekåsa arranged by The Swedish Salukiclub. I enjoyed every minute of the day and had a entry of 51 Salukis.